MC Meeting: Examining the State of the Art

October 07, 2018 - October 09, 2018
Preliminary Description
During the Belgrade meeting, we expect Working Groups to discuss further steps towards writing their part of the report and sharing the tasks among WG members. As for the sessions, on the first day, the MC meeting will be hopefully brief and dedicated to procedural matters (overview of Grant Period 2 and its budget, new network members, outstanding votes, etc.). Next, we will have a plenary WG session, during which the Action Core Group will share the first insights into the survey responses received and our ideas for further steps. We will also dedicate this session to launching the NEP4DISSENT website. The day will end with dinner (more details coming up!).
During the second day, there will be three WG meeting sessions. The WGs will proceed in separate rooms. Each session will start with a recap of the previous one so that colleagues who wish to change groups remain in the loop. During the first two sessions we imagine WGs will probe whether the survey responses are something we can work with and we need more of the same, or there are gaps or issues we want to dig into more deeply etc.; how we can extend the range of our respondents, whether we wish to follow up with interviews or background research, and connectedly how in this context COST networking tools can be most productively exploited. On that note, we will also extend the deadline for STSMs, so perhaps you can come up with ideas for relevant research visits during the meeting.
The third WG session on the second day will be reserved for discussing other matters pertinent to the WGs, especially to early ideas for the implementation phase (starting in GP3), where WGs will propose and undertake activities relevant to their focus areas, employing COST networking tools.
- Start
- October 07, 2018
- End
- October 09, 2018
Bojan Marinkovic
- Phone
- +3614414000
- bojanm_AT_mi_DOT_sanu_DOT_ac_DOT_rs
- Website
- Mathematical Institute SANU
11000 Belgrade ,
Kneza Mihaila 36, Room 301F - Phone
- +385 11 2027 106
- sasadir_AT_sanu_DOT_ac_DOT_rs
- Website