NEP4DISSENT Virtual Summit

May 22, 2020


Please register for NEP4DISSENT Virtual Summit, which will take place on 22 May 2020 at 12:00 noon.

As we won’t have a chance to meet in person in May, as planned, the Virtual Summit will be an opportunity to connect virtually and update you on the current developments of the Action. The Action leadership and Working Group Chairs will report on the activities of the Action in the past Grant Period 3, and announce plans (circumstances permitting) for the Grant Period 4, incl.  virtual community actions we would like to take up in the forthcoming months.


  1. NEP4DISSENT Strategic Goals – opening remarks (Action Chair)
  2. Report on Grant Period 3 (Action Chair, GHSR)
    – Activities completed and cancelled
    – Interim Report
  3. Budget and Workplan for GP4 (Action Chair, GHSR)
  4. Updates from the Working Groups (WG Chairs)
  5. Planning Virtual Community Actions
    – Workshop on audiovisual sources (Lars, Jennifer)
    The workshop will address the ‘shoebox’ problem of audio or video data that has been collected, but cannot be easily reused because it lacks an appropriate storage and sharing structure.
    Directory of Digitised Dissent
    The DDD initiative will aim at collecting online resources for research and education on topics relevant to N4D
  6. Discussion

The meeting will take approximately two hours and will be hosted on Zoom. Link to the virtual meeting and meeting materials will be provided closer to the event to registered participants.  The invitation is open to current participants, as well as to prospective participants who would like to know more about N4D. Please register to attend and if you know anyone interested in attending, please share the registration link. 


May 22, 2020



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