Workshop series ‘Linking your Historical Sources to Open Data’

October 04, 2021

The workshop series ‘Linking your Historical Sources to Open Data’ was organised by the COST Action NEP4DISSENT to help researchers to connect their research data to existing Linked Open Data resources. These connections will ensure that research data remains interoperable and allow for the ingestion of various relevant Linked Open Data resources.

In two workshop sessions the basic principles of Linked Open Data were discussed and examples on how your project can benefit from this were demonstrated.

The workshops will take place on 13-09-2021 and 20-09-2021 on Zoom. The sessions were hosted by Pim van Bree and Geert Kessels of LAB1100 and Jessie Labov of the Institute of Literary Studies, Humanities Research Center, Eötvös Loránd Research Network, representing the NEP4DISSENT network.

Session 1:

Session 2:

Google Doc (programme & other relevant information):

Nodegoat Guides and Documentation, which also includes a section on Ingestion Processes:



October 04, 2021



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