The Secret Police and Study of Religions:
Archives, Communities and Contested Memories in Central and Eastern Europe

March 4th, 2021

18th – 19th March 2021

This two-day closing conference of the Hidden Galleries project will draw together a broad range of interdisciplinary concerns that are at the core of the project including:

  • Theoretical and methodological approaches to texts, images, archives and materiality
  • Developments in the anthropology of religion in Central and Eastern Europe
  • Descendent communities and contested memories in Post-communism
  • Case studies on the religious underground – lived realities, repressive operations, anti-religious propaganda
  • Religion and communism in museums, galleries and the digital world

Keynote Lectures

Truth and Memory: The Twin Perils of Secret Archives – Lavinia Stan (St. Francis Xavier University, Canada)

Archival Hybridity – Cristina Vățulescu (New York University)

Anthropology and the Religious Imaginary of the Past – Catherine Wanner (Pennsylvania State University)


PLUS ‘The Underground’

Showcasing the digital exhibition, a collaboration between Hidden Galleries and the Laboratory for Computer Graphics – Sarajevo Graphics Group DIGI.BA


If you would like to attend the conference as a member of the audience please register in advance:

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.



Booklet of Abstracts (.pdf)




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