Left Turn, Right Turn – Artistic and Political Radicalism of late Socialism in Hungary //The Orfeo and the Inconnu Groups

Blinken OSA Archives, 3rd of October – 24th of November, 2019
Both the Orfeo Group – that was active in the turn of the 1960s and 1970s, – and the Inconnu Group – functioning in the 1980s – attempted to merge artistic criticism with the political radicalism. The exhibition Left Turn, Right Turn examines the social and political context of the two groups that led them once towards the left-leaning, another time towards the right-leaning critique of actually existing socialism. By comparing and contrasting the two groups, this exhibition sheds light not only to the anti-systemic radicalisms, but also to the dominant doctrines, ideologies and mechanisms of the era. By showing the differences and similarities of the Orfeo and Inconnu Groups, the show reveals the social and institutional conditions of the Kádár-regimes’ radical artistic critique.
Curators: Kristóf Nagy, Márton Szarvas
Exhibition design: Virág Lődi, Krisztián Kristóf
Coordination: Katalin Székely
Facebook event: https://www.facebook.com/events/2329779800604820/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/balraatjobbraat