Pilecki Fellowship

The Pilecki Institute announces the call for applications to participate in Junior Visiting Fellows or Senior Visiting Fellows.
The Pilecki Institute is a research institution based in Warsaw, Poland. The Institute examines 20th-century history with a special focus on totalitarian ideologies and their implementation in Poland and other Central and Eastern European countries. The Institute seeks scholars to carry out their own research projects in this vibrant and intellectually stimulating environment who will contribute with their approaches, perspectives and new ideas. We are looking for scholars ready to work in a multidisciplinary and vigorous team and participate in vibrant discussions on political, social, economic, cultural, international and legal aspects and implications of the complex phenomenon of totalitarianism.
Researchers across the humanities and social sciences are encouraged to apply. Preference will be given to projects in some way connected to Polish studies or comparative studies of other Central and Eastern European countries as broadly understood and related to the following research areas:
- Totalitarian systems and ideologies in the 20th century and its consequences
- The German and Soviet occupations of Central and Eastern Europe – legal, social, philosophical and historical aspects
- Sovereignty, human rights, genocide and international law in the wake of the catastrophe of the World War II
- Memory and memorialization of World War II
- Nationalism and political community in 20th-century Europe
- Personal experiences of war and totalitarianism in Europe
- Enslaved societies – resistance and strategies of survival in 20th-century Europe
The list of research areas is not definitive, and new ideas are also welcomed.
Pilecki Fellows will be invited to spend a term of five or ten months between September 2020 and June 2021 at the Pilecki Institute in Warsaw; it may be possible to extend this time period depending on the project and circumstances.
More information (conditions, eligibility, application, deadlines etc.): https://instytutpileckiego.pl/pl/instytut/aktualnosci/pilecki-fellowship-stypendium