Dr Sanita Reinsone

Institute of Literature, Folklore and Art (University of Latvia)
Riga (LV)
Sanita Reinsone is a leading researcher at the Institute of Literature, Folklore and Art (University of Latvia), head of the Digital Humanities Group (since 2016), head of the Digital Archives of Latvian Folklore (garamantas.lv, from 2014 to 2020). Reinsone is also a lecturer at the University of Latvia and Riga Technical University. Currently Reinsone is co-leading DH society in Latvia (digitalhumanities.lv), acts as a board member of SIEF (International Society for Ethnology and Folklore) WG on Archives and is a science communication manager for COST Action “New Exploratory Phase in Research on East European Cultures of Dissent” (CA 16213). Her research interests deal with both autobiographical narrative studies and digital humanities scholarship, especially digital participatory methods in cultural heritage, exploratory data analysis and reflexive approaches in DH research.
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