Institute of Literary Research of the Polish Academy of Science in Warsaw
Warsaw (PL)
I have been an Assistant Professor at the Institute of Literary Research of the Polish Academy of Sciences since 2012. I hold a PhD in literary studies (2012) and an MA in American studies (2005). Since 2008 I have been teaching feminist criticism, media discourse and popular culture analysis at the Postgraduate Gender Studies Programme at the Institute. Between 2005 and 2010 I lectured in feminist criticism and twentieth-century women's literature at the Faculty of Polish Studies, at the University of Warsaw. I am a member of the editorial staff of the sociocultural quarterly "Bez Dogmatu" [Without Dogma]. In 2017 I was a research fellow in Imre Kertész Kolleg in Jena, Germany, working on a book project titled “Forgotten Revolution: Communist Female Intellectuals and the Making of Women’s Emancipation in Postwar Poland”. I am the author of the book „Akuszerki transformacji. Kobiety, literatura i władza w Polsce po 1989 roku” (2012). I have co-authored and co-edited the volumes “PRL — życie po życiu” (2013), “Encyklopedia gender" (2014), and “… czterdzieści i cztery. Figury literackie. Nowy kanon” (2016).
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