Irina Cărăbaş is assistant professor at the Department of Art History and Theory, National University of Arts in Bucharest. She will soon publish her first monograph on the inception of Socialist Realism in Romania (Realismul Socialist cu fața spre trecut. Instituții și artiști în România 1944-1953, Cluj, Idea, 2017). Her studies concerning the Romanian avant-garde, Constructivism, avant-garde magazines and Socialist Realism have been published in journals and collective volumes among which (DIS)CONTINUITIES. Fragments of Romanian Modernity in the first half of the 20th century, (2010); Literary Representations of Brancusi’s Studio (2012); To Germany and Back Again. The Romanian Avant-Garde and its Forrunners (2012); November 1948: A Written Test on Socialist Realism (2015), The Socialist Artistic Identity and the Bilateral Agreements in the Balkans (2017). She is also co-editor of the special issue on Futurism of Studii şi cercetări de istoria artei (2009) and of the books Di suo’ maniera e di suo’ aria. Eseuri în onoarea Ancăi Oroveanu (Bucharest, 2012), After Brancusi (Bucharest, 2014).
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