Petra Loučová, M. A., PhD student, literary historian, researcher at ICL CAS, 2015–2017 member of The Encyclopaedia of Czech Samizdat I – Literary Samizdat project, from 2017 member of COST Action NEP4DISSENT: New Exploratory Phase in Research on East European Cultures of Dissent, from 2018 member of Media of the Cultural Opposition in Czechoslovakia INTER-COST project. She is a co-author of the encyclopaedia Přibáň, Michal (ed.): Český literární samizdat 1949–1989. Edice, časopisy, sborníky [Czech Literary Samizdat 1949–1989. Editions, journals, anthologies]. 2018 (more than 50 entries). She deals with samizdat in social, local, transnational and media perspective – see e. g. „Mikrokosmos samizdatového Táborska“ [Tábor region samizdat microcosm]. In: Česká literatura 2016, no. 6, pp. 848–866. Her interests are focused on literary culture of the second half of the 20th century, particularly on prison literature from the period of the Czechoslovakia communist dictatorship – see e. g. „»Literární úkol, jak něco napsat, i když člověk vlastně nic napsat nemůže.« Cenzura korespondence politických vězňů v období tzv. normalizace“ [„»A literary task to write something when one acutally cannot write anything.« The censorship of political prisonersʼ correspondence in the period of so-called normalization“]. In: Securitas Imperii, 2018, no. 33 (2), pp. 80–103.
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