Zsófia Lóránd is an intellectual historian of feminism in post-WWII state-socialist Eastern Europe. Her book, The Feminist Challenge to the Socialist State in Yugoslavia was published in the Palgrave Macmillan series “Genders and Sexualities in History” in 2018. She got her PhD at the Central European University in Budapest and has held positions at the European University Institute in Florence and the Lichtenberg-Kolleg in Göttingen. Since 2019 she holds a position at the University of Cambridge, Wolfson College. Her further publications include articles about the history of feminist political thought in Croatia and Serbia after 1991, the problems of a missing women’s perspective in the nationalist commemorations of Hungarian history, the concept of the sexual revolution in Yugoslavia, among others. For 8 years, she worked as an SOS helpline volunteer and trainer in the field of domestic violence.
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