Burcu Sabuncuoglu Peksevgen

Volda University College
Burcu Peksevgen Ph. D, is Associate Professor at PR and Communication Faculty at Volda University College. She worked as a journalist and PR specialist for 8 years in the beginning of her career. She received her Ph.D. degree in 2010 and started to work as full time academics. She has been teaching in various subjects in PR, Journalism, Advertising and Media History. Peksevgen was co-editor of Perspectives in Communication Studies Festschrift in Honor of Prof. Dr. Ayseli Usluata (Peter Lang, 2016), Buyutece Takilanlar (Libra, 2015), Kavramdan Pratige: Medya ve Tuketim (Theory to Practice: Media and Consumption) (Libra, 2014), and writer of Populer Kultur ve Hayat Mecmuasi (Popular Culture and Hayat Magazine) (Libra, 2016).
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