Ene Kõresaar is an associate professor of ethnology at the University of Tartu. Her main research fields are memory of World War II and socialism, oral history and life writing. She has also published on commemorative journalism and museums as memory agents. She has edited and co-authored several books on cultural memory with a particular focus on post-communist developments. Her most recent publication project was a special issue of Journal of Baltic Studies Baltic Socialism Remembered: Memory and Life Story Since 1989 (2016) which was based on an interdisciplinary project of Baltic life story researchers. Ene Kõresaar has also led Estonian research teams in a Marie Curie IRSES project SPeCTReSS – Social PracticE Cultural Trauma and REestablishing Solid Sovereignties (2014-17) and in an ERA.Net RUS Plus project Living Together with Difficult Memories and Diverse Identities (LIVINGMEMORIES) (2015-17), as well as several national projects (since 2004).In her previous research Ene has dealt wth the issue of (cultural) resistance and dissent as a theme in the narrative periodization of the 20th century in post-Soviet memory work, specifically in life narrating.
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