Prof Beatrice Tottossy
Philosophy and History Degree (Budapest), Degree in Philosophy (Siena), Associate Professor of the Hungarian Studies (University of Florence, since 1998; habil. Full Professor since 2014). Scholar in contemporary literature, theory and literary history, aesthetics and digital culture. Main research interests: (i) intellectual history of early-twentieth century Hungary (Attila József, Vasárnapi Kör [Sonntagskreis, «The Sunday Circle»]), with a focus on a «Public Literary History» of this period; (ii) history of post-WWII Hungarian literature («Postmodern Writing in Hungary», 1995; «Hungary, 1945-2002. The Literary Sphere», 2012), including a proposal for a reviewing of the categories employed to study literature, culture, and thought; (ii) twentieth-century diaries and correspondence (in particular, those of Attila József, Béla Balázs, György Lukács, and Charles de Tolnay); (iii) and recently, the ways Cognitive Computing allows to reconstruct the conditions surrounding the historic formation of new cultural categories; (iii) theoretical and experimental research through new forms and methods aimed to include literary culture into social and educational spaces.