Working Group 1: Culture Under Surveillance

Working Group Chairs: Muriel Blaive and James Kapalo
This Working Group will analyze dissent as it was influenced in a direct and top-down manner by institutions wielding the power of surveillance in the realm of culture, i.e. of documenting, classifying, analyzing, reporting and intervening in what was deemed to be subversive. We will examine the effects of the exposure of culture to political surveillance, i.e. the impact of censors, the security apparatus and the professional organizations in the former socialist countries on the life trajectories of cultural creators, cultural events and objects.
At the same time and in the same scope, we are interested in the strategies of counter-surveillance performed by Western state institutions and transnational centers of cultural transmission such as Radio Free Europe. In particular, we will examine how such transnational rivalry opened spaces for cultural alternatives.
Muriel Blaive
Institute for the Study of Totalitarian Regimes, Prague (CZ) -
Nebojša Blanuša
University of Zagreb, Zagreb (HR) -
Bent Boel
University of Aalborg, Aalborg (DK) -
Peter Bugge
Aarhus University, Denmark, Århus (DK) -
Estelle Bunout
Halisa Čengić
Institute for Research of Crimes, Sarajevo, Sarajevo (BA) -
Nadzeya Charapan
Vilnius University, Vilnius (LT) -
José María Faraldo Jarillo
University Complutense of Madrid, Madrid (ES) -
Daria Ghiu
CESI - Center of Excellence in Image Study, Bucharest (RO) -
Konstantinos Giakoumis
LOGOS University College, Tirana (AL) -
Jens Gieseke
Centre for Contemporary History Potsdam, Potsdam (DE) -
Petra James
Université Libre de Bruxelles, Brussels (BE) -
James Kapalo
University College Cork, Ireland, Cork (IE) -
Neringa Latvyte Gustaitiene
Vilnius University, Vilnius (LT) -
Epp Lauk
University of Jyväskylä, Jyväskylä (FI) -
Irena Myzeqari
European University of Tirana, Tirana (AL) -
Zrinjka Perusko
University of Zagreb, Zagreb (HR) -
Kinga Povedák
University College Cork, Ireland, Cork (IE) -
Magda Predescu
National Museum of Contemporary Art Bucharest (MNAC), Bucharest (RO) -
Aigi Rahi-Tamm
University of Tartu, Tartu (EE) -
Nelson Ribeiro
Universidade Católica Portuguesa, Lisbon (PT) -
Tomas Sniegon
Lund University, Lund (SE) -
Beatrice Tottossy
University of Florence, Firenze (IT) -
Tatiana Vagramenko
University College Cork, Ireland, Cork (IE) -
Iliana Veinberga
Riga Porcelain Museum, Riga (LV) -
Gianluca Volpi
University of Udine, Udine (IT) -
Rolf Werenskjold
Volda University College, Volda (NO)
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