Zrinjka Peruško (PhD in sociology) is professor of media sociology and mass communication at the Department for Media and Communication, Faculty of Political Science, University of Zagreb, and Founder Chair of its Centre for Media and Communication Research. She is director of the Media and politics stream in the Doctoral program in political science at the University of Zagreb, and Founder Co-director of the international post-graduate course Comparative Media Systems at the Inter University Centre Dubrovnik. She was visiting professor at the Department of Journalism and Audiovisual Media, Faculty of Humanities, Communication and Documentation, University Carlos III Madrid, Fulbright visiting professor at Indiana University, Bloomington, and is currently professor in the European Regional Master on Human Rights (ERMA). She has received research funding from the Croatian Ministry of Education, Science and Sport, University of Zagreb, the Council of Europe, Open Society Institute (Budapest), Friedrich Ebert Stiftung (Croatia), UNESCO (Paris), the Croatian Foundation for the Development of Civil Society (Zagreb), and was involved in major international research networks funded by the EU COST initiative and UNESCO. Peruško is a comparative communication scholar engaged with the analysis of media systems, media cultures and audience dynamics and mediatization related transformations.
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