Nina Mihaljinac (1987) is an Assistant Professor of cultural management and cultural policy at the Faculty of Dramatic Arts Belgrade, the Faculty of Fine Arts Belgrade and the UNESCO Chair in Cultural Management and Cultural Policy, University of arts Belgrade; she is a guest lecturer at the Université Lumière Lyon 2. She received her doctorate in Theory of Arts and Media in 2017, with a doctorate on the subject of artistic representation of cultural traumas and politics of remembrance. She has published four books (e.g. Cultural diplomacy: arts, festivals, geopolitics with M. Dragićević Šešić and Lj. Rogač Mijatović, 2016; Key notions of gallery management, 2012) and numerous papers in the field of cultural policy and arts management; she has also participated in several national international research projects in these fields. Her research interests are: cultural policy and international relations, artistic activism, cultural memory and visual arts. She works as a project manager of the Creative Europe Desk Serbia and is a founder of Center for artistic research SEE ALSO.
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