Dr. SENKA ANASTASOVA is philosopher, socialist feminist, theoretician, associate professor in Cultural Studies, doctor of philosophy sciences at Ss. Cyril & Methodius University. She is director of Research Centre in Social Sciences and Arts based in Skopje. Visiting fellow at University of California UC Santa Barbara (United States of America). Member of American Political Science Association (United States of America). Teaches: Feminist Political Economy; Introduction to Cultural Studies/ Radical Cultural Studies; Theory of Culture; Theory of Post-Colonial Critique; Theory of Visual Culture. Her domain of interests are: contemporary philosophy, theory of culture/subculture, political philosophy, radical cultural studies, communism, socialism, socialist feminism, left feminism, feminist political economy, methodology and epistemology of social sciences, post colonialism, politics and aesthetics. Winner of the British Voya Kondic Prize for the best young philosopher (2006). Has been associate research fellow at University of London, Greenwich University in London, Macquarie University in Sydney, at Macedonian Academy of Science and Arts. Awarded with the British Scholarship grant for PhD in London (her doctorate is related to Birmingham contemporary cultural studies school and politics of dissent culture).
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