Ferenc Laczó is assistant professor in history. His main research interests lie in political and intellectual history, modern and contemporary European history with a special focus on Central and Eastern Europe in the twentieth century, Jewish history and the history of the Holocaust, and questions of history and memory. Ferenc Laczó is the author of Hungarian Jews in the Age of Genocide. An Intellectual History, 1929-1948 (Leiden: Brill, 2016) and two Hungarian-language books Német múltfeldolgozás. Beszélgetések történészekkel a huszadik század kulcskérdéseiről [The German Process of Dealing with the Past. Conversations with Historians on Key Questions of the Twentieth Century] (Budapest: Kijárat, 2016) and Felvilágosult vallás és modern katasztrófa közt. Magyar zsidó gondolkodás a Horthy-korban [Between Enlightened Religion and Modern Catastrophe. Hungarian Jewish Thought in the Horthy Era] (Budapest: Osiris, 2014). Laczó has published peer-reviewed articles in Holocaust Studies. A Journal of Culture and History, the Hungarian Historical Review, the Journal of Modern Jewish Studies, Contributions to the History of Concepts and the Leo Baeck Institute Yearbook.
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