Dr Selma Rizvic
University of Sarajevo
Sarajevo (BA)
Dr Selma Rizvic is a Professor of Computer Graphics at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering Sarajevo and founder of Sarajevo Graphics Group. She also works as visual artist and Head of Broadcast Design Department at BH Radio Television. Her scientific interests are Computer Graphics, Computer Animation, Broadcast Graphics, Virtual Heritage, Digital Storytelling and Digital Humanities. Presently is involved in several EU and local projects. Sarajevo Graphics Group was a partner of EU FP7 Network of Excellence “Virtual Museum Transnational Network V-MusT.net” which organized the largest European multimedia exhibition Keys to Rome in Amsterdam, Rome, Alexandria and Sarajevo in 2014. They presently work on H2020 iMARECULTURE project presenting underwater cultural heritage using digital technologies. She and her colleagues from Sarajevo Graphics Group created many virtual cultural heritage projects also in Bosnia and Herzegovina, most famous of them Sarajevo Survival Tools, virtual museum of Sarajevo siege. More details at http://people.etf.unsa.ba/~srizvic/sgg.htm