1999: graduated from the History Faculty (Vilnius University); started working as an historian at the Vilna Gaon State Jewish Museum. 2001: published a book 'Holokaustas Trakų apskrityje'. 2010: Head of History Research Department and the curator of the Holocaust Exhibition. 2011: published a book 'Holokaustas Ukmergėje/Holocaust in Ukmergė'. 2012–2014 and 2015–2020: Member of the International project EHRI/European Holocaust Research Infrastructure and EHRI 2. 2015: started PhD studies at the Faculty of Communication (Vilnius University). The title of the theses: „Communication of Difficult Heritage in a Changing Social Context: Holocaust Memorial Sites”. 2017: Fellowship at the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum; an article published: LATVYTE-GUSTAITIENE, Neringa, (Ne)pamirštas Vilniaus genius urbi: Vilniaus geto biblioteka ( (Not)forgotten Vilnius genius urbi: Vilnius Ghetto Library). Knygotyra, Vilniaus universitetas, Komunikacijos fakultetas, Nr. 68. http://www.zurnalai.vu.lt/knygotyra/article/view/10717/8801
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