Working Group 2: Culture in the Grey Zone

Working Group Chairs: Zsófia Lóránd and Jan Mervart
The activities of this Working Group are informed by an understanding of resistance as an act of negotiated autonomy and are aimed at exploring the ambiguous realm between the official culture of former socialist countries on the one hand, and openly dissenting cultural activities on the other. We examine the dilemmas of members of academic and artistic communities who, without engaging in open dissent, cultivated ties to both organized opposition and transnational scientific and artistic networks, and often played a mediating role in introducing subversive, often Western ideas, trends and theories to the arts, humanities and social sciences as well as to everyday cultural practices.
This research will enable a better understanding of the double roles played by these individuals and groups, namely those of simultaneously legitimizing and subverting official culture and engaging in East-West dialogue. We will take into consideration the circumstances affecting life choices of the grey zone artists and scholars such as the existence of organized cultural opposition outside the official realm, degree of dependence of such professions on state patronage, the degree of cultural isolation from the West or relationships to Western institutions promoting cultural freedom. In the process of exploring how the grey zones and the actors within the grey zones operate, we are also interested in the changing and highly-context dependent concept of the grey zone itself.
Senka Anastasova
University Ss. Cyril and Methodius, Skopje (MK) -
Ieva Astahovska
Latvian Centre for Contemporary Art, Riga (LV) -
Andras Bozoki
Central European University, Budapest (HU) -
Mădălina Brașoveanu
New Europe College, Bucharest (RO) -
Peter Bugge
Aarhus University, Denmark, Århus (DK) -
Estelle Bunout
Eduard Burget
Institute of Czech Literature, Czech Academy of Sciences, Prague, Prague (CZ) -
Irina Carabas
National University of Arts Bucharest, Bucharest (RO) -
Halisa Čengić
Institute for Research of Crimes, Sarajevo, Sarajevo (BA) -
Katalin Cseh-Varga
University of Vienna, Vienna (AT) -
Milena Dragićević Šešić
University of Arts in Belgrade, Belgrade (RS) -
Joseph Grim Feinberg
Institute of Philosophy, Czech Academy of Sciences, Prague (CZ) -
Daria Ghiu
CESI - Center of Excellence in Image Study, Bucharest (RO) -
Jens Gieseke
Centre for Contemporary History Potsdam, Potsdam (DE) -
Tomáš Glanc
Zurich University, Zürich (CH) -
Adam Hudek
Institute of History, Slovak Academy of Sciences, Bratislava (SK) -
Vlatko Ilic
University of Arts in Belgrade, Belgrade (RS) -
Dorota Jarecka
Institute of Literary Research of the Polish Academy of Science in Warsaw, Warsaw (PL) -
Iveta Kestere
University of Latvia, Riga (LV) -
Zsófia Lóránd
University of Cambridge, Cambridge (GB) -
Jan Matonoha
Institute of Czech Literature, Czech Academy of Sciences, Prague, Prague (CZ) -
Jan Mervart
Czech Academy of Sciences, Prague (CZ) -
Agnieszka Mrozik
Institute of Literary Research of the Polish Academy of Science in Warsaw, Warsaw (PL) -
Michal Murawski
Queen Mary, University of London, London (GB) -
Kristóf Nagy
Central European University, Budapest (HU) -
Libora Oates-Indruchová
University of Graz, Graz (AT) -
Anca Oroveanu
New Europe College, Bucharest (RO) -
Magda Predescu
National Museum of Contemporary Art Bucharest (MNAC), Bucharest (RO) -
Ksenija Raddulović
University of Arts in Belgrade, Belgrade (RS) -
Magda Radu
Salonul de proiecte, Bucharest (RO) -
Magda Răduță
University of Bucharest, Bucharest (RO) -
Aigi Rahi-Tamm
University of Tartu, Tartu (EE) -
Ljiljana Rogac Mijatovic
University of Arts in Belgrade, Belgrade (RS) -
Andra Silapētere
Latvian Centre for Contemporary Art, Riga (LV) -
Katarzyna Stańczak-Wiślicz
Institute of Literary Research of the Polish Academy of Science in Warsaw, Warsaw (PL) -
Beatrice Tottossy
University of Florence, Firenze (IT) -
Kitija Valeina
University of Latvia, Riga (LV) -
Gianluca Volpi
University of Udine, Udine (IT) -
Joanna Wawrzyniak
University of Warsaw, Warsaw (PL) -
Nina Witoszek
Marko Zubak
Croatian Institute of History, Zagreb (HR)
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- To the Left of Power? Radical Culture in Eastern Europe in the 1960s and 1970s
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Cultural Dissent in Central and Eastern Europe - Workshop: Thinking Left Dissent
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- NEP4DISSENT Virtual Summit
- International symposium “Prisms of Silence” in Tallinn
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- East European Dissent between Agenda & Legacy
- MC Meeting: European University of Tirana (UET) (May 30-31, 2019)
- Summer Training School in Digital History: Cultures of Dissent in Eastern Europe (1945-1989)
- Joint Working Group Meeting: Budapest
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- Visegrad Scholarship at the Open Society Archives
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- CFP: 16th annual HEIRS Conference
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- Pilecki Fellowship
- New book about Ukrainian dissidents published
- Vacancy for Doctoral candidate (PhD student) in the field of Transnational Contemporary History
- Visegrad Scholarship at the Blinken OSA Archives
- CFP: Artpool 40 -- Active Archives and Art Networks (Feb 20-21, 2020, Budapest)
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- CFP: Summer School Communicating Difficult Pasts in Kuldīga, 2–7 August 2019
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- Book Launch: Zsófia Lóránd's The Feminist Challenge to the Socialist State in Yugoslavia (Palgrave, 2018)
- New Encyclopedia: Český literární samizdat 1949–1989
- New Book: Media and the Cold War in the 1980s (eds. Bastiansen, Klimke, and Werenskjold)
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- Remembering Activism: vacancies for 3 PhD and 2 post-doc researchers
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