Working Group 6: Art and Cultural Heritage Curation

Working Group Chairs: David Crowley and Ieva Astahovska
This Working Group will disseminate the research of the Action participants by working with art and cultural heritage curators. Our aim is to share experiences and to understand better the legal, institutional and social challenges of providing public access to documents and artifacts in exhibitions and digital humanities, to explore the role of investigator as contributor to curatorial events and initiatives at different stages of their lifecycle, and to probe the generative role of exhibitions in generating further research. especially explore the tools and best practices of online curation. The group includes researchers, art and cultural heritage curators and digital environments professionals.

A creation of Ajkelin Lajos Ágh, painter and graphic designer (1964).
Senka Anastasova
University Ss. Cyril and Methodius, Skopje (MK) -
Ieva Astahovska
Latvian Centre for Contemporary Art, Riga (LV) -
Flóra Barkóczi
Museum of Fine Arts, Artpool Art Research Center, Budapest, Budapest (HU) -
Dean Camilleri
University College of MCAST, Paola (MT) -
David Crowley
National College of Art and Design, Dublin, Dublin (IE) -
Maria Engström
Uppsala University, Uppsala (SE) -
Tomáš Glanc
Zurich University, Zürich (CH) -
Elma Hasimbegovic
History Museum of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Sarajevo (BA) -
Dorota Jarecka
Institute of Literary Research of the Polish Academy of Science in Warsaw, Warsaw (PL) -
Geert Kessels
LAB1100, Den Haag (NL) -
Julia Klaniczay
Museum of Fine Arts, Artpool Art Research Center, Budapest, Budapest (HU) -
Emese Kürti
acb Gallery -
Mari Laanemets
Estonian Academy of Arts, Tallinn (EE) -
Jessie Labov
Central European University, Budapest (HU) -
Zsuzsa László
Museum of Fine Arts, Artpool Art Research Center, Budapest -
Thomas Lewe
Volda University College, Volda (NO) -
Nina Mihaljinac
University of Arts in Belgrade, Belgrade (RS) -
Vensada Okanovic
University of Sarajevo, Sarajevo (BA) -
Yulia Oreshina
Georgian American University, Tbilisi (GE) -
Suzanne Marie Psaila
University of Malta, Valletta (MT) -
Manuela Putz
Bremen University, Bremen (DE) -
Magda Radu
Salonul de proiecte, Bucharest (RO) -
Selma Rizvic
University of Sarajevo, Sarajevo (BA) -
Pim van Bree
LAB1100, Den Haag (NL) -
Iliana Veinberga
Riga Porcelain Museum, Riga (LV) -
Mara Zeikare
Art Academy of Latvia, Riga (LV)
- CFP: Master Class on Media and History & One Day Symposium (new deadline!)
- CFP: To the Left of Power? Radical Culture in Eastern Europe in the 1960s and 1970s
- Virtual Mobility Grants in GP5
- WORKSHOP on Digital Oral History Content Management
- CFP: Special Issue of the Historical Journal of Film, Radio and Television
- CFP: Theory and Methods Workshop on Alternative Cultures
- CFP: Symposium "Prisms of Silence"
- Call for Conference Grants in GP5
- STSM Call for Grant Period 5
- Show All
- Reading Workshop on Decolonisation Narratives in Context of Ukraine with Svitlana Biedarieva
- Discussion: Political emancipation of artistic practices in Ukraine
- Reading Workshop on Environmentalism and Ecofeminism
- Recording of the conference “Central and Eastern European Samizdat during the Cold War. Comparative and Transnational Perspectives”
- Workshop series 'Linking your Historical Sources to Open Data'
- To the Left of Power? Radical Culture in Eastern Europe in the 1960s and 1970s
- Linking Your Historical Sources to Open Data: Workshop Series
- Conference "Central and Eastern European Samizdat during the Cold War. Comparative and Transnational Perspectives"
Forum in Literary Studies / Spring 2021:
Cultural Dissent in Central and Eastern Europe - Workshop: Thinking Left Dissent
- [NEW DATE] Workshop "Digital Storytelling as a New Form of Conveying Information"
- NEP4DISSENT Virtual Summit
- Artpool40 – Active Archives and Art Networks
- International symposium “Prisms of Silence” in Tallinn
- TRAINING SCHOOL: Cultures of Dissent in Eastern Europe (1945-1989). Research Approaches in the Digital Humanities
- NEP4Dissent widely represented at 2019 ASEEES Convention in San Francisco
- Conference report: East European Dissent between Agenda & Legacy
- East European Dissent between Agenda & Legacy
- MC Meeting: European University of Tirana (UET) (May 30-31, 2019)
- Summer Training School in Digital History: Cultures of Dissent in Eastern Europe (1945-1989)
- Joint Working Group Meeting: Budapest
- Show All
- Contradictions: New Volume on Thinking Left Dissent
- CFP: The Flowers of Transition – The Art of Hungary in the 1980s
- CFP: Dissidents and Exiles from Socialist Eastern Europe and the USSR: History, Archives and Memories (1945-1991)
- Central Europe Culture Wars: Beyond Post-Communism and Populism
- CFP: Beyond Friendships. Regional Cultural Transfer in the Art of the ‘70s
- CFP: Art beyond the Politics: Africa and the ‘Other’ Europe during the Cold War
The Secret Police and Study of Religions:
Archives, Communities and Contested Memories in Central and Eastern Europe - An Evening with Resistance Studies!
- Methodologies of Working in Cold War Archives. Facts, Values and Archival Ecologies
- CFP: 7th International Forum for Doctoral Candidates in East European Art History
- New project launched to explore archival collections of Eastern European dissidents exiled in France during the Cold War
- Kristóf Nagy: Debates over the Tendencies Exhibition Series (1980–81)
- Through the Lens of the Secret Police: Images of the Religious Underground in Eastern Europe
- Visegrad Scholarship at the Open Society Archives
- Call for Participants: LCCA Summer School “Negotiating Gender in the Baltics and Eastern Europe”
- Artpool40: Conference Video Recording Published Online
- CFP: Socialist Folkloristics. A Disciplinary Heritage
- CFP: 16th annual HEIRS Conference
- Faith-Trust-Secrecy: Religion through the Lenses of the Secret Police
- CFP: ‘She is made of stone’. Women in the Socialist and Post-Socialist Public Space
- CFP: Visual Ethics after Communism – Special Issue of Journal "Martor"
- Pilecki Fellowship
- New book about Ukrainian dissidents published
- Vacancy for Doctoral candidate (PhD student) in the field of Transnational Contemporary History
- Visegrad Scholarship at the Blinken OSA Archives
- CFP: Artpool 40 -- Active Archives and Art Networks (Feb 20-21, 2020, Budapest)
- CFP: BASEEES Annual Conference 2020 (3-5 April, 2020, Cambridge, UK)
- NEP4DISSENT Joint Review Report Published!!
- CFP: Summer School Communicating Difficult Pasts in Kuldīga, 2–7 August 2019
- CFP: NIHIL OBSTAT: Reading and Circulation of Texts After Censorship (NYU in Prague, 17-19 October)
- Conference and Spring School: Comparative Media Systems -- 100 Years of Media Systems in Southeast Europe
- CFP: “Gender Politics and the Art of European Socialist States” (Poznań, Zagreb, Timișoara, 2019-2020)
- CfP: WHY (NOT)? THINKING EASTERN EUROPE DIGITALLY (Sep 30-Oct 1, Marburg, Germany)
- Book Launch: Zsófia Lóránd's The Feminist Challenge to the Socialist State in Yugoslavia (Palgrave, 2018)
- New Encyclopedia: Český literární samizdat 1949–1989
- New Book: Media and the Cold War in the 1980s (eds. Bastiansen, Klimke, and Werenskjold)
- Remembering Activism: vacancies for 3 PhD and 2 post-doc researchers
- Show All